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Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Guide
Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism (CBAM) Guide

Learn how to analyze build CBAM reports

Updated over a week ago

The process for CBAM reporting on CarbonChain is broken down into six steps:

  1. Add your supplier and product information to CarbonChain

  2. Request primary data from your suppliers

  3. Upload your customs data template

  4. Resolve any mapping errors

  5. Add supporting documentation

  6. Download your .zip file, and upload to the EU transitional registry

Step 1: Adding your supplier and product information to CarbonChain

In order to ask suppliers for primary data, we need to know which products you need data for and who you purchased those products from.

To do this, your first step is to populate this template which covers your suppliers and the Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes that you purchase from those suppliers. Only include the suppliers for products that you import from outside of the European Union.

Once the spreadsheet is filled out, you can upload this data to the CarbonChain platform using the supplier upload feature shown below. This will populate your CBAM Suppliers module with the suppliers that you need to request primary data from.

To add or update existing supplier information, refer to our guide here.

Step 2: Requesting primary data from your suppliers

Once you have your supplier and product details set up on the CarbonChain platform, it’s time to start requesting primary data from them. To do this, you have two options:

  • Request data from all suppliers

  • Request data from a single supplier

    • To request data from a single supplier, you have two options:

      • Click on send request - This will send an automated the email data request through the CarbonChain platform to your suppliers

      • Click on copy details - This will allow you to copy the upload link for your supplier. You can send this link through your email and personalize the message as per your requirements. Once you have sent the email to your supplier, you can click on “Mark as sent” to log it as a proof in your XML

Once your request for data has been sent, CarbonChain will automatically send an e-mail with a workflow for suppliers to upload their data for the relevant CN codes. As data is received from suppliers, the data status on your suppliers will automatically update. There are three different statuses:

  • No data received: In this case, you will see that the Data received column is empty.

  • Above 20% default values content: In this case, you will see the Data received column is populated, and the Default data status column says Above 20% and is highlighted yellow.

  • Below 20% default values content: In this case, you will see the Data received column is populated, and the Default data status column says Below 20% and is highlighted green.

Your objective at this stage is to get as much primary data for as many of your imported CN codes as possible, ideally with default values content below 20%.

Step 3: Uploading your customs data

At the end of a given quarter, it’s time to upload your customs data for imports for that quarter. To do this, we need you to gather your customs data for all CBAM goods that have cleared customs in a given quarter and populate this template with that data. We have a guide written here to help you.

Once the template has been filled out, it’s time to start a report and upload your data. To do this, navigate to Report -> Actions -> Start a CBAM declaration. This will open up a new report, and will prompt you to upload the customs data template.

Upload the filled template and choose the “Mandatory Fields” worksheet option on the file upload. Once the upload is complete, your CBAM quarterly reports section will be populated with the relevant customs data.

Note that your customs data can be uploaded at any time throughout a quarter. We recommend uploading your data towards the end of the quarter so that you only have to resolve mapping errors once, but it is entirely up to you.

Step 4: Resolve any mapping errors

Once your customs data template has been uploaded, you will see how well your customs data has mapped to the supplier information in the CBAM Suppliers module. We map your customs data template to supplier data on the basis of supplier name, installation name and CN code. If any suppliers have not been mapped correctly, you will see a warning message like this:

This will mean you need to do one of three different things:

  1. Update the supplier name in your customs data template: You can do this if the supplier name you provided in your customs data template does not match the supplier name in the CBAM Suppliers module.

  2. Update the supplier name in CBAM Suppliers: This is an alternative option if the supplier name you provided in your customs data template does not match the supplier name in the CBAM Suppliers module.

  3. Add a new supplier: You will need to do this if you have included a supplier in your customs data template that is not in your CBAM Suppliers module. To do this, you can use the supplier upload feature shown below:

There can also be a possibility that the installation names in your customs data template don’t match with the installation names as provided by your supplier. In that case, you will see a warning message like this (see the tooltip for CN code 73182900):

In this case we recommend the following steps:

  1. In the CBAM declarations section, click on the supplier name. This will take you to the suppliers module where you can find the list of installations added by the supplier

  2. Copy the correct installation name for a given CN code from the suppliers module to your customs data template

  3. Reupload the template to enable matching with your supplier’s data

Step 5: Add supporting documentation

CarbonChain’s platform allows you to attach supporting documentation to your CBAM reports. There are two scenarios in which we recommend attaching supporting documentation:

  1. You have requested primary data from a supplier, and they have not responded: To show your best efforts in accessing primary data, we recommend attaching a .pdf outlining the steps you have taken to obtain primary data from a given supplier. CarbonChain automatically logs the timestamps of emails you have sent to suppliers for data and includes those timestamps in your CBAM report, but attaching a .pdf with more details of the steps you have taken is strongly recommended.

  2. You have uploaded primary data on behalf of your supplier: In the case of filling out a summary communication sheet on behalf of a supplier, we recommend attaching any documents that you used to support that process. This could include any e-mails received from your supplier, or any .pdf’s sent to you by your supplier which provided you with the necessary data.

All supporting documentation is attached in the Report module, at a Supplier/CN code level. For more information, refer to our guide.

Step 6: Downloading your .ZIP file, and submitting your report

Once you have successfully engaged with your suppliers, uploaded your customs data template, resolved any mapping errors, and attached supporting documentation, it’s time to download your .zip file and submit it to the transitional registry.

Included in your .zip file you will find:

  • Your .XML file

  • Any supporting documentation

To upload your report to the transitional registry, please follow our guide here.

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