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Preparing data for supplier engagement

Adding suppliers to the CarbonChain platform to start your supplier engagement process

Updated over 2 months ago

This guide will walk you through the steps to prepare your supplier data. This information is essential for initiating the process to collect CBAM installation data.

In order to ask suppliers for primary data, we need to know which products you need data for and who you purchased those products from. To do this, your first step is to populate the template attached below which covers your suppliers and the Combined Nomenclature (CN) codes that you purchase from those suppliers. Only include the suppliers for products that you import from outside of the European Union.

Once the template is populated, follow the steps outlined below to add suppliers to the platform.

The template required to be completed in order to add suppliers details to the platform can be found at the bottom of this article.

Mandatory Fields

Supplier Name

The supplier name field refers to the supplier from whom you purchased a specific CBAM product. A supplier is any entity from whom you have purchased the product and who will have access to the primary data needed for CBAM compliance. They can be your suppliers, distributors, or even manufacturers/installation operators if you directly purchase from them.

Supplier Contact Name

This field refers to the name of your contact for the given supplier. We would be directly reaching out to this contact for CBAM data requests.

Supplier Contact Email

The field refers to the email of your point of contact for the given supplier. All the data request emails will be sent out to this email.

CN Codes

The Common Nomenclature (CN) code is an 8-digit customs code used for classifying goods. CBAM is defined around the CN code of goods. For more information on CN codes, please read this article. We also have a full glossary of CN codes covered under CBAM here.

You must input all the CN codes for the products that you purchase from the given supplier. Please enter one CN code per row and make sure there is only one row for each CN code.

Optional Fields

Please note that all optional fields are intended solely for communication purposes with your suppliers. These fields help suppliers accurately identify the relevant products and the installations from which they were supplied.

Installation Name

This fields refers to name of the installation that manufactured the product.

Product Name

This field is the reference name for the product that is used for communication with your suppliers. It could be a part number, product number, product name, etc.

Steps to add suppliers to the platform for the first time

If you are starting your supplier engagement process and have not yet added any suppliers to the platform, follow these steps:

  1. Complete the supplier details template attached at the end of this article with the relevant supplier details.

  2. Navigate to CBAM Suppliers and click on the “Add suppliers” button.

  3. In the modal, upload your filled-out template and choose the "Supplier Details" sheet.

  4. Once uploaded, you will see all suppliers listed on the platform. To view more detailed information about the data requested from a specific supplier, select the supplier to see all requested CN codes.

Steps to add new suppliers to an existing list

If you already have suppliers on the platform and need to add new ones to the existing list, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to CBAM suppliers -> Actions -> Add supplier information. This will prompt you to fill in the suppliers details template (as attached at the end of the article).

  2. Populate the template with only the new supplier information. You do not need to include any existing suppliers. Once the template is filled out, click on “Upload Excel file”. In the modal, upload your filled-out template and choose the "Supplier Details" sheet.

  3. Once uploaded, the new suppliers will appear on the CBAM suppliers module. You can click on the suppliers to review all the CN codes requested from them.

Steps to update existing supplier details

There are two ways you can update supplier details on the platform:

  1. Update supplier name and supplier email address:

    1. To update these details click on the supplier you want to update this information for. Go Action -> Edit contact details.

    2. Update the name/email address in the modal and click on done.

  2. Update CN code/product name information for a specific supplier:

    1. Navigate to CBAM suppliers -> Actions -> Add supplier information. This will prompt you to fill in the supplier details template (as attached at the end of the article)

    2. In order to add CN codes to an existing supplier, populate the template with the same supplier name and new CN codes. This will add CN codes to the existing supplier.

    3. If you want to update product name/installation name for a particular CN code, populate the template with the same supplier name, CN code and updated product name/ installation name information.

    4. Once the template is filled in, click “Upload Excel File” to upload it. In the modal, upload your filled-out template and choose the "Supplier Details" sheet.

    5. Once uploaded, the new suppliers will appear on the suppliers page. You can click on the suppliers to review all the CN codes requested from them.

Data template for your supplier details

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