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How to prepare your customs data for CBAM reporting

Using CarbonChain to prepare an XML for your declaration

Updated over a month ago

Managing your CBAM Declaration via CarbonChain

In this guide we will be talking through how to prepare your customs data file and upload it to the platform to generate an XML file for upload into the CBAM Transitional Registry.

The customs data template required to be completed in order to upload into CarbonChain and generate an XML can be found at the bottom of this article.

CBAM Goods Custom Clearance Data

This dataset contains a listing of all CBAM goods released into free circulation within the EU by the importer of record. Goods should be broken down on a per consignment basis in order to assess the de minimis threshold of EUR 150.

The de minimis exemption applies to consignments in which the total intrinsic value of the CBAM goods does not exceed EUR 150. Therefore, the overall value of the total CBAM goods in one consignment has to be considered, and if that value is above EUR 150, then the de minimis exemption does not apply.

The customs data template below enables you to map specific clearances back to the underlying installation that produced the CBAM good. Doing this will enable CarbonChain to map the installation emissions data directly within the XML to this specific good.

Data Fields & Descriptions

Below we have provided a full description of the data requirements, their format, and where to obtain these specific fields.

Each field has a format and character requirement:

  • a - alphabetic: letters of the alphabet

  • n - numeric: numeric in form

  • # - number: this informs the number of characters

  • #,# - decimal points: this informs the permitted number of decimal units

For example:

  • an512: any alphanumeric combination up to 512 characters

  • n32: any numeric character set up to 32 characters

  • n16,6: any numeric character set up to 16 characters, 6 of which can be decimal points

Note: CBAM reporting goes up to 6 decimal points.

Reference fields

Goods Consignment Reference [an512]

This is the consignment reference (the customs clearance document reference) that contains all goods cleared in a given consignment. This is a reference that you can refer back to in order to assess the completeness of your declaration.

This field is not included within your final CBAM declaration.

Goods Customs Clearance Date [n8 - 01/01/2024]

The goods customs clearance date is used to assess cut-off of goods to be included in a given quarterly report. The cut-off for inclusion in a CBAM declaration is the date on which the goods are customs cleared.

The platform will review for any goods customs cleared outside the given reporting period. If you would like to make a declaration for a good cleared in a previous quarter please either:

  • Amend an existing declaration (available up to 31 July 2024); or

  • Request a delayed submission from your National Competent Authority.

This field is not included within your final CBAM declaration.

Goods Customs Value (EUR) [n512]

As identified above, the CBAM de minimis threshold per consignment is EUR 150. If the aggregate value of all CBAM goods in a given consignment is below this threshold, you do not need to make a CBAM declaration for these goods.

The platform will review for goods meeting this criteria and remove them.

This field is not included within your final CBAM declaration.

Goods fields

CN Code [n8]

The Common Nomenclature (CN) code is an 8-digit customs code used for classifying goods. CBAM is defined around the CN code of goods. For more information on CN codes, please read this article. We also have a full glossary of CN codes covered under CBAM here.

You must input the 8-digit code in order to enable CarbonChain to map primary installation data or default values back to the goods cleared.

Country of Origin [a2]

The Country of origin is defined inline with the EU customs legislation and is determined via the non-preferential rules of origin. The country of origin is where either the goods are wholly obtained (i.e. only one country is involved) or, where the production of the goods involves more than one country or territory, the country or territory where they underwent their last, substantial stage of manufacture.

Country of origin must be provided using a two-digit country code. A full list of countries and their country codes can be found in the template.

The platform will review for goods that are not produced in a third-country as defined by the EU. Please note countries such as Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland where their ETS is linked to the EU ETS are not captured under CBAM and therefore goods originating from these countries have no reporting obligation.

Customs Requested Procedure [n2]

The customs procedure code identifies either the customs or excise regimes (or both) which goods are being entered into when they are released into the EU. For a good to be a CBAM good, the customs requested procedure must result in the release for free circulation of the goods.

The following codes are permitted: 07, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48

Note: goods subject to inward processing are not subject to CBAM except in certain circumstances, such as being subsequently released for free circulation into the EU.

Import Area [an512]

There are two options for this field, either:

  • EU by means of customs import declaration

  • EU by other means

In all cases, the use of "EU by means of customs import declaration" is expected to be used. If you do not believe this applies to you then please contact

Net Mass (tonnes) [n16,6]

Reporting of weight in CBAM is done on a net basis. Please provide both the net mass in kg and tonnes in order to facilitate calculation of the correct functional unit to be applied in the declaration.

Supplier and Installation fields

Supplier Name [an512]

The supplier name field refers to the supplier from whom you purchased a specific CBAM good. To enable accurate mapping of supplier data into your XML, ensure this field exactly matches the supplier names added to the platform for supplier engagement.

Installation Name [an512]

The installation field is the exact name of the installation (producer or manufacturer) that produced the CBAM goods. To ensure seamless mapping on the platform, make sure the installation names align with those provided by your supplier in the CBAM Suppliers Module. If the exact installation name is initially unknown, you may temporarily use the supplier's name for this field. However, once suppliers upload their installation details, please verify the correct names in the Suppliers Module, update the template accordingly, and re-upload it.

Steps to upload your customs data onto the platform

Once the template has been filled out, it’s time to start a report and upload your data. To do this, navigate to Report -> Actions -> Start a CBAM declaration. This will open up a new report, and will prompt you to upload the customs data template.

Upload the filled template and choose the “Mandatory Fields” worksheet option on the file upload.

Once the upload is complete, your CBAM quarterly reports section will be populated with the relevant customs data.

Data template for your customs data

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