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How to manage installation data through CarbonChain

Preparing your supplier data for the Suppliers module on platform

Written by Graham Stirling-Moffet
Updated over a week ago

From July 2024 onwards, your CBAM declaration requires you to disclose on an operator and installation basis when using primary data. As primary data becomes mandatory from 31 July 2024, and default values can no longer be used without risk of a penalty, you will need to have obtained the necessary data from your suppliers to meet this requirement.

Please note, unless you "Request CBAM data" directly via the platform, no contact will be made with your suppliers by CarbonChain. If you would like CarbonChain to provide your suppliers with access to our Learn module then please do let us know.

A home for your supplier data

The CarbonChain platform is your home for supplier CBAM data. There are a number of benefits to managing data through the CarbonChain platform, including:

  • Centralized location to track receipt of data from suppliers;

  • Data completeness checks and reviews at installation-level; and

  • Automatic integration of supplier data into your XML declarations.

Supplier data refers to the data prepared by installations on the specific embedded emissions of the products that they produce. If you'd like to learn more about what this data looks like and the steps installations must go through to prepare this data, please take a look at these articles.

How to have your suppliers uploaded to CarbonChain

In order to add your suppliers to the platform, please complete the form attached at the bottom of this article: "CBAM Goods Supplier Details - Template - Q2 2024"


Field Name


Supplier Name

This is the name of the supplier (business) that you purchase CBAM goods from.

Supplier Contact Name

This is the name of the contact person at your CBAM goods supplier.

Supplier Contact Email

This is the contact email address of your CBAM goods supplier. This is the email address that any "Request for CBAM Data" sent via the CarbonChain platform will go to.

Operator Name

This is the name of the Operator of the Installation.

This field is mandatory for your CBAM declaration.

Installation Name

This is the name of the installation that produced the CBAM goods that have been purchased from the supplier.

Note that the installation, operator and supplier name can all be the same.

This field is mandatory for your CBAM declaration.

Operator Contact Name

This is the contact name of the operator of the installation.

This field is mandatory for your CBAM declaration.

Operator Email Address

This field is the contact email address for the operator of the installation.

This field is mandatory for your CBAM declaration.

Operator Contact Number

This field is the contact number for the operator of the installation.

This field is mandatory for your CBAM declaration.

If you'd like to understand more around the meaning of Operators and Installations, then please review the following article.

What will happen to my supplier data on CarbonChain?

CarbonChain will add your supplier contact data to your Supplier Module. This module will then enable you to:

  1. Request CBAM Data from your suppliers: this will trigger an automatic email requesting CBAM data from your Supplier Contact Email. When your supplier uploads their data they will pass through our data completeness assessment process.

  2. Upload CBAM Data from your suppliers: you will also be able to directly upload CBAM data received from your suppliers directly onto the platform. This upload process will also take your through our data completeness assessment process.

  3. Download CBAM data from your suppliers: any data received from your suppliers or directly uploaded onto the CarbonChain platform is readily available for download, should this data be required to be sent to your customers.

  4. Integrate primary data in your XML declaration: any supplier data on platform will be used to populate your CBAM declarations when you produce your reports.

As outlined above, CarbonChain does not need to interact with any of your suppliers in order for you to prepare a CBAM declaration including primary data. Simply upload your supplier's primary data to the platform in order to enable an XML declaration using primary data.

Installation (supplier) summary communication data

For all goods cleared into the EU from 1st July 2024 onwards, you will be required to define and provide product emissions data based on what is received from the installation that produced the CBAM goods.

Your customers can directly upload their EU CBAM communication summary sheets into CarbonChain or you can upload this data directly. Take a look at the steps outlined in our guidance on Supplier Data here.

CarbonChain will automatically map the underlying installation data (on a name and CN code basis) to your customs clearance data as well as identify any new installations contained within your customs clearance data.

These installation data files will also be included in your XML.ZIP file that is used to make your CBAM declaration.

In lieu of primary data populated in the CarbonChain platform, default values provided by the European Commission will be used.

CBAM Supplier Engagement with CarbonChain

Obtaining primary data from suppliers in advance of the October 2024 deadline is a daunting task for many businesses with complex supply chains. CarbonChain is actively supporting a number of businesses with their supplier engagement initiatives in order to obtain this data from their suppliers. If you'd like to learn more about this then please contact

Data Privacy

We take data privacy very seriously at CarbonChain. Any information shared with CarbonChain and uploaded into the Supplier Module will only be accessible to your organisation. No other parties will have access to any information you provide to CarbonChain. Data provided to CarbonChain from your or your suppliers will be used for the purposes of preparing your CBAM declarations only. Should you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask.

Please note, you can use the CarbonChain CBAM platform without providing installation data to prepare a default value XML for the declaration due in advance of July 2024. Simply follow the steps provided in this guidance article. However, please note, if obtaining primary data takes time, and if you'd like to support your suppliers in preparing their data then starting engaging with them early is highly recommended!

Data Template for Suppliers:

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